It's Sunday and I didn't blog yesterday because I went on a girl's date to New Orleans with some of my friends. It was great but I have figured out that breakups and drinking don't mesh well together. I thought about him all night. Then after hours of drinking and thinking I texted him "wyd?" then I regreted it and had my friend Sissy text him and say that it was her that texted and she wanted to meet his friend that she saw on facebook. He didn't respond last night which was good, but then he did respond this morning which was not good because it was just me. I ignored it though and have not heard from him again. I did however do something very liberating last night....I deleted him off my facebook. Yep, I unfriended him! That was very hard but I realized that being able to follow his life at the click of my phone was just making me crazy!
This weekend was tough — some rough spots, but I am realizing that it has more to do with being lonely than missing him. I got really lonely and sad at a couple of points over the weekend, but I can’t tell you how many times I felt really lonely and sad when we were still talking, texting and sleeping together. Being with him isn’t going to fix that, that's something I need to fix on my own.
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